Baton Rouge Real Estate: Understanding and Avoiding Mortgage Fraud
Baton Rouge Real Estate: Understanding and Avoiding Mortgage Fraud The San Francisco Chronicle has an interesting article: Mortgage Fraud: Understanding And Avoiding It . Here’s a snippet below: “Ethical violations and criminal activities in various industries have affected our economy over the past few decades, particularly in the banking, financial and housing sectors. In this […]
Baton Rouge Real Estate Trends Seminar Themes 1 of 3: Real Estate Perks Up – Baton Rouge Real Estate Trends Seminar Themes 1 of 3: Real Estate Perks Up The annual Trends Seminar was held yesterday with multiple keynote speakers. The Advocates’s recap of the seminar is located here, under Baton Rouge Real Estate Perks Up. There were 3 major themes during the seminar, one being that local […]