over improving your home
Baton Rouge Homeowner Spends $60K in yard, WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?
A Greater Baton Rouge Homeowner spends $60,000 in their yard on a $240,000 newer home and now they’re moving…WHAT WERE THEY THINKING? Of the $60K spent (not “invested”), home sellers may see a $10K to $15K return or a $45K loss. Baton Rouge Real Estate News‘s insight: A Greater Baton Rouge Homeowner spends $60,000 in […]
Baton Rouge Real Estate Appraiser: Should You Build Your New Home In This Subdivision?
Baton Rouge Real Estate Appraiser: Should You Build Your New Home In This Subdivision? NOTE: My point is not to put down any particular subdivision in Greater Baton Rouge. My point is that it makes no economic sense to build a $160,000 new home in a 50 year old subdivision where the average non […]
Twelve Home Improvements That Didn’t Reward: Could These Apply To Baton Rouge Market?
https://www.batonrougerealestateappraisal.com// – Twelve Home Improvements That Didn’t Reward: Could These Apply To Baton Rouge Market? Justin Pierce has written an article on “12 Improvements That Didn’t Pay: Learn From These Rehab Mistakes” where he warns homeowners not to over-prove their homes. This article is certainly worth reading for locals as well. This appraiser also asked […]