Contact Bill Cobb Appraiser Accurate Valuations Group
Thank you for visiting the “Baton Rouge Home Appraisal FAQ Answers Wiki” publish by Bill Cobb, Greater Baton Rouge’s Home Appraiser. This is a Baton Rouge Real Estate Appraiser Blog Site of Bill Cobb, CREA, of Accurate Valuations Group!
Blog topics include local real estate market trends, appraisal-related issues, Charting or Graphs documenting trends, ”photos from the field”, local interests, and anything Bill finds interesting – people, neighborhoods, coffee and events.
Bill Cobb, CREA is a real estate appraiser based in the Baton Rouge Market. He covers multiple Parishes (or Counties) in the Greater Baton Rouge Region and works for brokers, banks, governmental agencies, Real Estate Agents, attorneys, homeowners, insurance agents and more. Beyond the appraisal business, Bill’s passions include shooting real estate videos for the Greater Baton Rouge Realty Visual Tours, reading, and spending time with family and friends.
P.O. Box 40515
Baton Rouge, LA 70835
TEL: 225-293-1500
MOBILE: 225-953-0638
STAFF EMAIL: info at accuratevg.com
Bill Cobb Appraiser Business Card
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