Baton Rouge Real Estate Appraisal FAQs

Seeing the forest and the trees in real estate, look at more than 12 months of data

Seeing the forest and the trees in real estate

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Seeing the forest and the trees in real estate by Ryan Lundquist.  Look at more than 12 months of data

My comment: Great Point, Ryan! 
Yesterday, I was completing a SMART Appraiser history graph of median sales price showing +7.8% gain over the past 12 months for sub-market. But, I knew better in this particular market, looked at an 18 month chart of same and saw where even with the +7.8% increase of recent, this market was still down 18.9%. It would have been mistake to apply a time or market adjustment for increasing prices when this market is still so battered from correction. A historical perspective points out the obvious, ugly or positive.