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Greater Baton Rouge Real Estate Elevated Photography Services Now Available

http://www.batonrougelistingsservices.com/ – Greater Baton Rouge Real Estate Elevated Photography Services Now Available by Bill Cobb with Baton Rouge Listings Services and AVG Accurate Valuations Group! Find out more at the url above in blue.

Below is a compare and contrast showing the marketing differences in perspective of home listing photo at normal elevation versus elevated elevations. Local Real Estate Agents prefer to combine normal photos and elevated photos in their marketing plan for their listings.

This service is also included in Bill Cobb’s AVG Pre-Listing Appraisals whether those are ordered by Local Real Estate Agents or for those selling FSBO without an Agent, see Greater Baton Rouge Pre-Listing Appraisals

Baton Rouge Real Estate Elevated Photography Services (4)


Baton Rouge Real Estate Elevated Photography Services (1)


Baton Rouge Real Estate Elevated Photography Services (2)


Baton Rouge Real Estate Elevated Photography Services (3)



Tags: pap, pole aerial photography, pole photography, baton rouge, baton rouge real estate, baton rouge homes, Baton Rouge Real Estate, Baton Rouge Housing, East Baton Rouge, Greater Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge Realtors, Baton Rouge Real Estate Agents, Baton Rouge Homes For Sale, baton rouge real estate elevated photos

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