– Recommended Reading For Baton Rouge Mortgage Lenders and Realtors On “Low Appraisals”. Article counters ‘Appraier Hit Pieces’ In Media: Patrick Egger “Closing The Gap Between Sales Price And Appraised Value” Article.
Over the past couple of months, ‘negative press’ hit pieces have been circulating in major media and blogs about how ‘appraisers have caused a disruption in property sales’, erroneously attributed to the HVCC, since the economy went into the tank in 2008 and early 2009.
The attached 4 page PDF is an article written by Patrick Egger, Cert. Gen’l appraiser and appraiser educator from Las Vegas, which discusses why competent appraisers make decisions ‘we’ do regarding establishing an opinion of market value. I have met Patrick, and have taken a class from him.
Be sure to save the PDF, and print it for your own review.
Dave Towne, Appraiser Education Service“
NOTE: To Download Patrick Egger’s Article, Click Here!